Be ‘4th Industrial Revolution Ready’ with SkillUp Online

Manufacturing & Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the next big disruption for the manufacturing industry to enhance engineering design, productivity, speed up shop floor operations and reduce production costs. Several manufacturing units are now bringing in AI to simplify the complex machine to machine interactions. This trend of current automation with AI is given the name – Industry 4.0. Development in machine learning techniques, advances in sensors therefore has led to compounding of computing power; leading to production of brand-new generation of industrial robots.

Why Artificial Intelligence cannot be ignored?
  • Directed Automation: AI and robots bring mass revolution in industrial production. Robots are capable of repeatedly doing recurring activities without drop in efficiency.
  • 24x7 Production: Humans are to work in 3 shifts of 8 hours each, however the robots work 24x7, non-stop without drop in efficiency. Automation coupled with AI is hence able to meet the high global demand.
  • Safer Operational Environment: With more robots taking over dangerous and labourious tasks the number of accidents at shop floors are already declining.
  • Condensed Operation Costs: Though bringing in AI into manufacturing is heavy on capital investment, however the ROI is significantly high. Businesses in future will enjoy low cost operations.
  • Inaccurate Industrial Data: For machine to function properly, it needs a lot of data. According to Harel Kodesh, CTO of GE Digital, 40% of incoming data is spurious and not useful.
  • AI Runs on the Edge, not on the Cloud: Consumer data is processed on cloud but the Industrial data has to be processed on site. The stakes and responsiveness are much higher for industrial applications where human lives may be at risk. Hence industrial features have to run on site or what is called as the edge.
  • Single Prediction can Cost $1000: Industrial and manufacturing giants spend anywhere between $40 to $1000 per prediction as compare to other industries like ECom where cost per prediction is lower than $1. This makes AI a costly proposition.

Smart Manufacturing & Robots

Smart Manufacturing is all about Artificial Intelligence in confluence with Robots and Industrial Internet of Things. The global smart manufacturing market will be over $200 billion in 2019 and increase to $320 billion by 2020.Operational industrial robot's factory installation will be 2.6 million units in 2019 as compare to 1.6 million units in 2015.
“Siemens latest gas turbines use 500 sensors that continuously monitor temperature, pressure, stress and more. Neural network-based AI then adjust the fuel valves to create optimal condition for combustion and makes it more efficient.”

In India there are approximately 40,000 AI professionals and the average AI experience is merely 3 years. Manufacturing is big in India and the industry has to relook at its current talent pool, shop floor process managers. They have to be reskilled in order to make the best of Industry 4.0 revolution.
Is your current workforce AI ready?

How Can SkillUp Technologies help you leverage Artificial Intelligence?

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